Today there are many drivers who lost for one reason or another, or simply get their license never had one. Although it is also for these drivers to operate a motor vehicle illegal, still a good idea is to finish for them. Contrary to popular belief, no need drivers license to buy insurance.
The insurance is for those who will aim to operate a vehicle. It is true that some companies require that you have a driver's license with them to assure there are those who do not. Often, a driver must be buying insurance before your driver's license to be reinstalled. Once the driver to the DMV proof of insurance to which the license is available for release.
This often happens to drivers who get involved violations for driving under the influence of alcohol or in an accident without insurance coverage. In California, the Department of Motor Vehicles will require these drivers to buy an insurance SR22 contains a note before the restoration of the license.
There are other drivers who simply do not have a license and may never be one. These drivers must be insured and all others. While it may be illegal to drive without a license still have insurance when they are driving a motor vehicle.
Each insurer has different guidelines that insure a driver without a license, so it is best that appeal to consumers their agents or brokers to ensure they buy a policy that meets your needs. Every driver knows who he does not have a license to let your insurance agent or broker know it can continue to avoid termination.
An agent or broker can help better explain the underwriting criteria of each of the companies with which they work. Some companies will not issue any insurance if the driver is licensed for 36 consecutive months, will give a client and require that the license is active to provide a specific time after the effective date of the policy and others are for a drivers regardless of copyright status.
Many drivers looking for insurance, before an active license. Whether due to injury of drinking while driving in an accident without insurance or a new driver that never a license to insurers that have changed their underwriting standards to have received to help these customers in a way contributed to any other carrier.